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Webhooks are used to receive the transaction status of a payment transaction. Everytime the status of a transaction is changed a notification will be sent to the notification URL being configured for this purpose.

The URL can manually be set in Finteleports merchant portal.

Note 📌

All notification communications must be encrypted under TLS/SSL and be a HTTPS endpoint

Note 📌

Validate the notification request using signatures. More information here.

Once a notification is received a HTTP response with status code 200 must be responded as acknowledgement, otherwise a new notification will be re-send after 60 minutes.

Merchant is able to resubmit a notification manually using the merchant portal.

Payin notification example.

"internalId": "fb488f37-8491-4e33-364f-93e7ww188ba3",
"transactionId": "fb488f37-8491-4e33-364f-93e72a188ba3",
"sessionId": "bc8d79c2-ba6c-41b9-beec-8te7fbf56218",
"merchantName": "Test",
"userId": "a9f775048c2bbd86a9a5e8785f0",
"type": "P2P",
"paymentOptionName": "Easy p2p",
"country": "eg",
"currency": "egp",
"paymentAmount": 300,
"payoutAmount": null,
"merchantReference": "mr-sfttarref",
"status": "completed",
"language": "en",
"paymentReference": "pr-fpltrea57laf",
"storedToken": null,
"extra1": null,
"extra2": null,
"extra3": null,
"customer": {
"_id": "2f6575d1-9e74-4db6-bbba-e836c16d8e91",
"customerId": "86629a8e-9074-414e-b31b-52933b7995bb",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Test Test",
"phone": "0124589875456",
"userDevice": "MOBILE",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36",
"ip": "",
"address": {
"street": "Test Mountain",
"streetNumber": "59994",
"country": "EG",
"zipCode": "2211",
"city": "Lake test",
"state": null
"identify": {
"number": "73428tf2-f23e-xxxx-9xxx-530d2083f8c2",
"type": "DNI"
"orderDetails": [],
"shippingAddress": null,
"bonusApplied": false,
"promoCode": null,
"cardDetails": null

Payout notification example.

"internalId": "fb488f37-8491-4e33-364f-93e72a188ba3",
"transactionId": "fb488f37-8491-4e33-364f-93e72a188ba3",
"sessionId": "bc8d79c2-ba6c-41b9-beec-8de7fbf56218",
"merchantName": "Test",
"userId": "",
"type": "P2P",
"paymentOptionName": "Easy P2P",
"country": "EG",
"currency": "EGP",
"paymentAmount": null,
"payoutAmount": 1090.99,
"merchantReference": "71221234",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"language": "EN",
"paymentReference": null,
"storedToken": null,
"extra1": null,
"extra2": null,
"extra3": null,
"customer": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "abc de",
"phone": "15201234343",
"_id": "28111299-d708-46f7-996e1222323dede3"
"orderDetails": [],
"shippingAddress": null,
"bonusApplied": false,
"promoCode": null,
"cardDetails": null