Card payments can be integrated in three ways. In two ways you can use our hosted cashier to embed in your application, or use the option to only use our API for a customized payment flow.
All three alternatives accept 3D secure payments. A redirect will be required to complete the payment when this is the case.
Hosted Cashier Integration:
Using this solution only requires one API request for creating a payment session and to get a redirect link returned to our Hosted Cashier UI.
Create a payment session with required information about the payment.
Redirect the user to the link returned to complete the payment.
Hybrid payment link:
A hybrid solution provides the possibility to create a link to the Hosted Cashier with cards as a preselected payment option. It requires one additional call to our API to select the payment method and a possible suboption. Using Hybrid payment links is recommended if you want to use the hosted cashier with card payment as the only option.
Create a payment session with required information about the payment and get all available payment options returned.
Request a hybrid payment with cards as a payment option. A url is returned to the Hosted Cashier.
Redirect the user to the link returned to complete the payment.
Direct API integration
When integrating using only the API endpoints two POST requests are required to complete the payment. One for Initiating the payment session and a second for submitting the payment.
Initiate the payment session by requesting payment options that are available for this payment. Information about the country, amount, currency are required in this request.
Post the payment with cards as a selected payment option together with the card details. If a redirect for 3D secure is needed this will be returned in the response Current status of the payment will be returned in the response and continuously to the webhook notification URL that has registered.
Refunds of previous authorized can by using the /refund/by-reference endpoint